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Ship of the Manila-Acapulco race



If it wishes to acquire the planes plus a monograph of Ship N. S. of the Pillar of Zaragoza it can do it here:




In the year of 1990 I along with received the order of the construction of the "Pillar" other models to be exposed in the Pavilion of the navigation of the Exhibition the International of Seville of 1992. The model is based on the extraordinary work of investigation of D. Jesu's Garci'a of the Valley Go'mez, direct descendant of the Master or captain of this ship, and author of a monograph on the boat where it also gathers of extensive way and very documented all nonsingle necessary historical and technical the information for the knowledge of the ship but for the construction of the model. In the accomplishment of this scale model D. Manuel Benavente collaborated with me. It was constructed to scale 1/20 and we used a year of work.

The ship of Manila.

Text of D. Jesús García del Valle-Gómez

"Sunday 23 of September of 1,565 nao SAN PEDRO of 38 elbows of keel and 550 tons of arching, captain D.Felipe de Salcedo helped by fray Andrés de Urdaneta, saturated in the coasts of California1. The defeat of return to the coasts of the New Spain had been from the Philippine Islands that would make their evangelización and development possible. Spanish Corona could already maintain the western border of its kingdoms in the position more outpost than bula coetera Inter of the Pope Alexander I SAW and the later pacts with Portugal allowed him. Cut by the Turks the commercial routes of east products, that had monopolized the republic of Venice, one becomes necessary to find new ways for the commerce with the distant east. Talasocracias Atlantic European accepts the challenge. The first Portugal by the south (Cape of Good Hope) Spain later by the western route, later England and Holland following the Portuguese way, establishes systems and companies of commerce with the Eastern Indians. In the case of Spain, the commerce was single means that allowed to maintain the Spanish presence in the Philippine Islands. The main objective of the Spanish crown in the islands was, first, his evangelisation, later to maintain our rights that made of the Pacifico ocean a Spanish sea for more than two centuries. This Spanish policy in the east was not practicable without a system of regular communication. Thus a marine line of communication, served by ships of the Spanish crown is born, that during 250 years made of bridge between the Philippine Islands and the New Spain, where connected with the systems of communication established between the Western Indians and the metropolis. The galleon of Manila, or nao of Acapulco, or ship of China, became to the candle, practically every year, in Manila to end at the Pacific by the Straits of San Bernardino. Later it followed bowline course ENE, sailing, until overcoming the Marianas and to reach 35/40 parallel N. In that height fell to starboard to sail when Or, with lifting winds, until arriving at the coasts of California that shuffled, towards, until arriving at the port of Acapulco. The trip of more than 8,000 miles marine used to last something more than six months, of which in one sixth part winds superior to force seven with waves of more were supported than three metros. In its trip to Acapulco the ship or ships was loaded, (sometimes two if they were of smaller bearing), with silks, weaves of cotton, ivories, lacquers, carpets, spices and other products of China, India, Java, Ceylon, Japan and other countries of the east were sent. In addition one embarked the official and private correspondence and, like passengers, the representatives of the commerce of Manila. Occasionally, some civil employee, civilian or military, or missionary from return to the New Spain or the metropolis. In tornavuelta of Acapulco, the ship transported the Mexican silver product of the sale, generally a 200% of the value of purchase of the merchandise, and the "real one located". It was called thus to the bottoms that the crown contributed to help the limited property of the islands to support the expenses of its government, evangelización and defense. Also they embarked missionaries, soldiers and civil employees who, in their majority, finished their life in the islands. The commerce of the galleon of Manila strictly was regulated to avoid an excessive drain of Mexican silver and not to damage the textile industry of Andalusia, in special the one of the silk. The real laws and decrees stipulated the amounts of merchandise that annually could transport the ship, and their counter value in weights that could bring from return to the Philippines "

The ship

"the ship" OUR LADY Of the ZARAGOZA PILLAR "was one of the famous vessels, naos in the beginning, later galleons and from 1730 ships, that during 250 years maintained the communications between the Philippine Islands and the kingdom of the New Spain, and were irreplaceable instrument of the Spanish presence in the Pacific. These vessels left Manila annually and after a full navigation of dangers of more than 8,000 miles marine and six months of the duration, longest of navigation to candle in the history of the humanity, they arrived at Acapulco. From they returned there in a tornaviaje, less risky, of four months of duration. The ships of the race of the Philippines were armed and belonged to the crown. They transported merchandise and their value in silver, the mail, bottoms of the Real Property, civil employees of the government, troops and missionaries. The race of Manila-Acapulco is one of great epics of the naval history of the world, although it has not received the treatment that deserves its importance. The ship "OUR LADY Of the PILLAR OF ZARAGOZA", 60 elbows (34,20 ms.) of length and the bearing of 50 tubes, it was constructed with best Philippine wood, according to the norms and proportions of the general of the Navy D. Antonio de Gaztañeta. Between the years 1,733 and 1,750, in which he was on watch, it made the "NTRA. MRS. Of the ZARAGOZA PILLAR "four complete trips through the Pacific. During the wars against England she was herself surrounded in the campaign that carried out the English squad leader Anson in the Pacific

